Kiwisense Case Study - Where Has The Spark Gone?
Tom and Kylie had been married for 7 years and had three children. Two years earlier they had started their own business and although it was making good progress, Tom was working long hours initially to build it up, and then because of his success he had to put in long hours to keep up with the work. Kylie did the administration and accounts for the business and because of Tom being away working, had most of the responsibility for parenting their children. They worked well together but they were both very tired and finances were still tight. Life for them had become a grind. Read more...
Kiwisense Articles
Assertiveness: Antidote to passive/aggressive cycle
Assertiveness can easily be misunderstood and has too often been used by some people as a thinly disguised way of getting what they want. I have heard people say "I am not being aggressive just assertive. You need to...." in a tone of voice that clearly says otherwise. True assertiveness is gentle. True assertiveness does not try to change other people or try to make them do or stop doing anything. True assertiveness does not try to punish anyone but instead lets natural consequences motivate change. Read more ...
Respect and Obedience - Confused Concepts
Do you know the difference between respect and obedience? Sadly, many parents and employers regularly get these two concepts confused and the results can be disastrous for their families and staff. Read more...
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
The old saying that actions speak louder than words is one that, like many of our colloquial sayings, is based on a fundamental truth. Read more ...
From Cows to Counselling - Allan Baker's Journey
People I meet who have known me as a farmer and contractor often ask me what motivated the change from the world of agriculture to the totally different world of counselling. Read more ...
Identifying Your Passions
One of the key developmental tasks needed to be carried out during the teen years to enable a person to become a successful adult, is to identify your passions. I believe we each have two passions. The first is vocational - that is career from which we are able to earn a living. If we are working in the area of our passion, we will have the edge over those who are just doing it for a job. The second is a recreational passion - some activity that re-engergises or re-creates us to replace the energy that is lost through work. Read more ...
Sexual Problems and Counselling
While some sexual problems have their source in the physical realm and need to be addressed medically, many have their origin in the individual's relationship either with others or with themselves. Read more...
Resolving Conflict
Attempts to resolve conflict with some people can be rather like trying to stop a runaway train by stepping in front of it – not much fun for the participants or the spectators but we have all observed it at some time. No-one wins in that situation. Read more...